Hickory Flat Elementary (HFE) McDonough, GAWelcome to Hickory Flat Elementary (HFE), where learning is based on Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences (MI) research. Howard Gardner is a professor of Cognition and Education at Harvard University. Dr. Gardener's theory is that human intelligence presents in multiple and distinct ways. He defines eight different intelligences: Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Musical, Naturalist and Spatial. HFE's goal is to capitalize on our students' natural dominant intelligences and to teach through this model.
The slogan "Learning MI Way" expresses HFE's commitment to your child's success. Your child will learn through his or her best learning style. Hickory Flat Elementary teachers create opportunities for children to learn and express what is learned through real world, project-based activities. These learning opportunities are called "Innovation Stations". Innovation Stations are hands-on, highly engaging, rigorous, well-planned learning times which occur twice daily in addition to the core academic times. All instruction is aligned to the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) and HFE promises to provide a foundation that builds for future success in middle school, high school and beyond. The Multiple Intelligence model is the tool that we use to accomplish that promise.
Students have the opportunity to participate in two Innovation Stations (clubs) each quarter. Please see the attached Parent Guides (choice sheets) to view the options for each grade level.