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Faculty Guide: Research, Statistics, Writing, & Dissertations

This page has helpful information, resources, and self-directed courses to aid you in your pursuit research. The topics below include research basics, digital literacy, statistics resources, writing help, information on dissertation and publishing, as well as plagiarism and citation references.


Types of Research

Original Research / Empirical Study
An empirical study is one that aims to gain new knowledge on a topic through direct or indirect observation and research. These include quantitative or qualitative data and analysis. Article reports on the results of one or more studies or experiments, written by the person(s) who conducted the research. This is considered a primary source. An empirical article will often include the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. Look in the title or abstract for words like study, research, measure, subjects, data, effects, survey, or statistical which might indicate empirical research.

Literature Review
This is a type of article that provides a synthesis of existing research on a particular topic. These are useful when you want to get an idea of a body of research that you are not yet familiar with. It differs from a systematic review in that it does not aim to capture ALL of the research on a particular topic. Summarizes the findings of others studies or experiments; attempts to identify trends or draw broader conclusions. Scholarly in nature but not a primary source or research article, however its references to other articles will include primary sources or research articles

This is a type of research study that combines or contrasts data from different independent studies in a new analysis in order to strengthen the understanding of a particular topic. There are many methods, some complex, applied to performing this type of analysis. Often, this includes a mathematical synthesis of the results of two or more primary studies that addressed the same hypothesis in the same way.

Case Study
A description of a single case or situation with unique features. A process or record of research in which detailed consideration is given to the development of a particular person, group, or situation over a period of time. A particular instance of something used or analyzed in order to illustrate a thesis or principle.

Systematic Review
This is a methodical and thorough literature review focused on a particular research question. It's aim is to identify and synthesize all of the scholarly research on a particular topic in an unbiased, reproducible way to provide evidence for practice and policy-making. It may involve a meta-analysis.

Literary Analysis
Analysis is the practice of looking closely at small parts to see how they affect the whole. Literary analysis focuses on how plot/structure, character, setting, and many other techniques are used by the author to create meaning.

These terms and definitions were taken from the APA Style JARS Supplemental Glossary (2019). 

Case-control (clinical trial) study
a research investigation that evaluates the effects of one or more health-related interventions on health outcomes by prospectively and randomly assigning people to experimental conditions.
Also known as "case-control design," "case-clinical trial," "case-referent study."

Cohort study
a nonexperimental design that can be prospective or retrospective. In a prospective cohort study, participants are enrolled before the potential causal event has occurred. In a retrospective cohort study, the study begins after the dependent event occurs.
See also "longitudinal study."

Cross-sectional design study
an experimental design in which multiple measures are collected over a period of time from two or more groups of different ages (birth cohorts), ethnicities, or other factors. These designs combine aspects of longitudinal design and cohort-sequential design.

Literature review
a narrative summary and evaluation of the findings or theories within a literature base.
Also known as "narrative literature review."

Longitudinal study
a study that involves the observation of a variable or group of variables in the same cases or individuals using the same set of measurements (or attributes) over a period of time (i.e., at multiple times or occasions). A longitudinal study that evaluates a group of randomly chosen individuals is referred to as a panel study, whereas a longitudinal study that evaluates a group of individuals possessing some common characteristic (usually age) is referred to as a cohort study.
This multiple observational structure may be combined with almost any other research design—ones with and without experimental manipulations, randomized clinical trials, or any other study type. 
Also known as "longitudinal research," "longitudinal design."

Prospective sampling (cohort)
a sampling method in which cases are selected for inclusion in experiments or other research based on their exposure to a risk factor. Participants are then followed to see if a condition of interest develops.

Qualitatiive research study
approaches to research used to generate knowledge about human experience and/or action, including social processes. These research methods typically produce descriptive (non-numerical) data, such as observations of behavior or personal accounts of experiences. The goal of gathering qualitative data is to examine how individuals perceive the world from different vantage points.
Also known as "qualitative design," "qualitative inquiry," "qualitative method," "qualitative study."
Qualitative methods share four central characteristics:
Involve the analysis of natural language and other forms of human expression rather than the translation of meaning into numbers, Centralize an iterative process in which data are analyzed and meanings are generated in a circular and self-correcting process of checking and refining findings, Seek to present findings in a manner that emphasizes the study's context and situation in time, Recursively combine inquiry with methods that require researchers' reflexivity (i.e., self-examination) about their influence upon the research process.

Qualitative meta analysis study
a form of inquiry in which qualitative research findings about a process or experience are aggregated or integrated across research studies. Aims can involve synthesizing qualitative findings across primary studies, generating new theoretical or conceptual models, identifying gaps in research, or generating new questions.

Quantitative research study
approaches to research in which observed outcomes are numerically represented. These research methods rely on measuring variables using a numerical system, analyzing measurements using statistical models, and reporting relationships and associations among the studied variables. The goal of gathering quantitative data is to understand, describe, and predict the nature of a phenomenon, particularly through the development of models and theories.
Also known as "quantitative design," "quantitative inquiry," "quantitative method," "quantitative study."

Quantitative Meta analysis
a technique for synthesizing the results of multiple studies of a phenomenon by combining the effect size estimates from each study into a single estimate of the combined effect size or into a distribution of effect sizes. Effect size estimates from individual studies are the inputs to the analyses. Although meta-analyses are ideally suited for summarizing a body of literature in terms of impact, limitations, and implications, they are limited by having no required minimum number of studies or participants. Information of potential interest may also be missing from the original research reports upon which the procedure must rely.

Randomized controlled (clinical) trial
an experimental design in which patients are randomly assigned to a group that will receive an experimental treatment, such as a new drug, or to one that will receive a comparison treatment, a standard-of-care treatment, or a placebo. The random assignment occurs after recruitment and assessment of eligibility but before the intervention. There may be multiple experimental and comparison groups, but each patient is assigned to one group only.

Retrospective cohort study (sampling)
the study begins after the dependent event occurs; a technique in which participants or cases from the general population are selected for inclusion in experiments or other research based on their previous exposure to a risk factor or the completion of some particular process. Participants are then examined in the present to see if a particular condition or state exists, often in comparison to others who were not exposed to the risk or who did not complete the particular process.


Please consult the following sources for more information on these types of studies and terminology related to the studies.

APA Style JARS Supplemental Glossary
This webpage provides supplemental information on the terms used in APA Style JARS. This glossary is meant to supplement Chapter 3 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition.
It is not an exhaustive list of all terms employed in quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods research, nor does it include all possible definitions for each term; definitions in addition to or different from those reported in this glossary may be found in other sources.

APA Dictionary of Psychology
More than 25,000 authoritative entries across 90 subfields of psychology.

Survey tools

With Google Forms you can easily create and share online forms and surveys, and analyze responses in real-time. It is free to use, but requires a Google account.

Follow this link for a YouTube tutorial on how to use Google Forms!

With Qualtrics you can create, distribute, and analyze surveys with their  free online tool in minutes.

Follow this link to go to the Qualtrics website and follow their steps on getting started with Qualtrics!

With Survey Monkey, you can be the person with great ideas. Surveys give you actionable insights and fresh perspectives.

Follow this link for a YouTube tutorial on how to get started using Survey Monkey!

With Typeform, you can get better data with conversational forms, surveys, quizzes & more.

Follow this link for a YouTube tutorial on how to get started using Typeform!

Cover Art

Conducting Survey Research by John Fogli; Linda Herkenhoff 

Call Number: eBook

ISBN: 9781631575952

Publication Date: 2018-03-28

Cover Art

Handbook of Market Research by Christian Homburg (Editor); Martin Klarmann (Editor); Arnd Vomberg (Editor)

Call Number: eBook

ISBN: 9783319574110

Publication Date: 2021-12-03

Cover Art

Survey &Questionarie Design: Collecting Primary Data to Answer Research Questions by Bourke, Jane; Kirby, Ann; Doran, Justin 

Call Number: eBook

ISBN: 9781846211874

Publication Date: 2016

Ethical Best Practices

BMJ Best Practice App
BMJ Subscribed Journals

CAT Manager App
The CAT (Critically Appraised Topic) Manager App helps managers and consultants critically appraise the trustworthiness of scientific studies published in academic journals.

Best Evidence Topics (BETs)
Rapid evidence-based answers to real-life clinical questions, using a systematic approach to reviewing the literature.

BMJ Best Practice
BMJ Best Practice is a user-friendly EBM tool. Ideal at the point of care and in the academic setting. Step-by-step guidance is provided for symptom evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, follow up and prevention. Updated daily using robust evidence based methodology and expert opinion.

CASP (Critical Appraisal Skills Program)
Checklists to help you more easily and accurately perform critical appraisal across a number of different study types. Includes: RCT, systematic review, qualitative studies, cohort study, diagnostic study, case control, economic evaluation, and clinical prediction rule.

CEBMa (Center for Evidence-Based Management)
Provides support and resources to managers, consultants, organizations, teachers, academics and others interested in learning more about evidence-based decision-making and practices in the field of management and leadership.

Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Critical Appraisal Tools

Knowledge Translation Program (KTP)
After we have searched for the evidence, We need to decide if it is both valid and important before deciding if we can apply the evidence to our individual patients. The order in which we consider validity and importance depends on individual preference. Include: Diagnosis, Harm, Prognosis, systematic review (of therapy), and Therapy worksheets.

NIH National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
NHLBI developed a set of tailored quality assessment tools to assist reviewers in focusing on concepts that are key to a study’s internal validity. The tools were specific to certain study designs and tested for potential flaws in study methods or implementation. Includes: Quality Assessment of Controlled Intervention Studies, Quality Assessment of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses, Quality Assessment Tool for Observational Cohort and Cross-Sectional Studies, Quality Assessment of Case-Control Studies, Quality Assessment Tool for Before-After (Pre-Post) Studies With No Control Group, and Quality Assessment Tool for Case Series Studies.

PRISMA : Transparent Reporting of Systeatic Review and Meta-Analyses
PRISMA is an evidence-based minimum set of items for reporting in systematic reviews and meta-analyses. PRISMA primarily focuses on the reporting of reviews evaluating the effects of interventions, but can also be used as a basis for reporting systematic reviews with objectives other than evaluating interventions (e.g. evaluating aetiology, prevalence, diagnosis or prognosis).

BETs CA Worksheets

CASP Critical Appraisal Checklists
Checklists to help you more easily and accurately perform critical appraisal across a number of different study types. 

CEBMa Critical Appraisal Tools

JBI Critical Appraisal Tools

KTP Critical Appraisal Worksheets Logbook
After we have searched for the evidence, we need to decide if it is both valid and important before deciding if we can apply the evidence to our individual patients. The order in which we consider validity and importance depends on individual preference. 

NIH National Heart Lung and Blood Institute Study Quality Assessment Tools
NHLBI developed a set of tailored quality assessment tools to assist reviewers in focusing on concepts that are key to a study’s internal validity. The tools were specific to certain study designs and tested for potential flaws in study methods or implementation. 

Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA)
The PRISMA 2020 statement comprises a 27-item checklist addressing the introduction, methods, results and discussion sections of a systematic review report. 

Textbooks for Research Methods & Analysis

Cover Art

Computational Social Science by R. Michael Alvarez (Editor)

ISBN: 9781107107885

Publication Date: 2016


Cover Art

Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods by Steven J. Taylor; Robert Bogdan; Marjorie DeVault 

ISBN: 9781118767290

Publication Date: 2016

Cover Art

Research Methodology by Peter Pruzan

ISBN: 9783319271668

Publication Date: 2016

Cover Art

Research Methods in Indigenous Contexts by Arnold Groh 

ISBN: 9783319892061

Publication Date: 2019

Cover Art

Qualitative Research by Sharan B. Merriam; Elizabeth J. Tisdell 

ISBN: 9781119003618

Publication Date: 2016

We are still curating resources for this section!

Cover Art

Modern Psychometrics with R by Patrick Mair 

ISBN: 9783319931753

Publication Date: 2018

Cover Art

Statistics and Research Methods in Psychology with Excel by J. P. Verma 

ISBN: 9789811334283

Publication Date: 2019

Cover Art

The Theory of Statistics in Psychology by Craig W. Gruber (Editor) 

ISBN: 9783030480455

Publication Date: 2020


We have a Lib Guide with statistics resources and calculators, and we also recommend using SticiGui as a statistical glossary of terms & definitions.

Textbooks for Statistics


Types of articles

These video tutorials are available via LinkedIn Learning (login required via MyCourses). You will need to be logged into GGC in order to access the videos.  

LinkedIn Learning
GGC's academic subscription to LinkedIn Learning provides unlimited access to over 40,000 video tutorials and online learning courses on a wide range of software packages as well as business, technology and creative skills. From Microsoft Office to ZBrush, if there's a program or professional skill you've wanted to learn on your own, you'll be able to through this great resource.

Literature Review tutorial (2022)

Purpose of a Literature Review tutorial (2017)

How to develop a literature review tutorial (2017)

Scoping studies: Towards a methodological framework (2005) 
This paper focuses on scoping studies, an approach to reviewing the literature which to date has received little attention in the research methods literature. We distinguish between different types of scoping studies and indicate where these stand in relation to full systematic reviews. We outline a framework for conducting a scoping study based on our recent experiences of reviewing the literature on services for carers for people with mental health problems. Where appropriate, our approach to scoping the field is contrasted with the procedures followed in systematic reviews. We emphasise how including a consultation exercise in this sort of study may enhance the results, making them more useful to policy makers, practitioners and service users. Finally, we consider the advantages and limitations of the approach and suggest that a wider debate is called for about the role of the scoping study in relation to other types of literature reviews.


Emerging practices supporting diabetes self-management among food insecure adults and families: A scoping review (2019) 
Emerging practices identified in our review include screening for food insecurity, nutrition counselling, tailoring management plans through medication adjustments, referring to local resources, improving care provider–patient relationship, promoting healthy coping strategies, and decreasing tobacco use. These strategies can help care providers better support food insecure populations with diabetes. However, some strategies require further evaluation to enhance understanding of their benefits, particularly in food insecure individuals with gestational and prediabetes, as no studies were identified in these populations. A major limitation of this review is the lack of global representation considering no studies outside of North America satisfied our inclusion criteria, due in part to the English language restriction.

Barriers and facilitators to uptake of systematic reviews by policy makers and health care managers: a scoping review (2015) 
We completed a scoping review on the barriers and facilitators to use of systematic reviews by health care managers and policy makers, including consideration of format and content, to develop recommendations for systematic review authors and to inform research efforts to develop and test formats for systematic reviews that may optimise their uptake.


Please see the following five-part YouTube series from Cochrane Training for more information on what scoping studies are and how to create your own. 

Part 1: an overview with examples
Part 2: Example: Strengthening clinical governance in low- and middle-income countries
Part 3: Examples of non-health related scoping reviews
Part 4: Doing scoping reviews
Part 5: Polling questions and Q&A session

Systematic Review Process Guides

Systematic Review Research Articles

Youtube series via Cochrane: 

What are systematic reviews?
Features and benefits of a systematic review
Part 1: Reasons for a systematic review protocol
Part 2: Reasons for a systematic review protocol 


PRISMA stands for the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses! The official PRISMA website states that: 

PRISMA is an evidence-based minimum set of items for reporting in systematic reviews and meta-analyses. PRISMA primarily focuses on the reporting of reviews evaluating the effects of interventions, but can also be used as a basis for reporting systematic reviews with objectives other than evaluating interventions (e.g. evaluating aetiology, prevalence, diagnosis or prognosis).

For systematic reviews, there are two PRISMA checklists that can be used: 

  1. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). The PRISMA 2020 statement comprises a 27-item checklist addressing the introduction, methods, results and discussion sections of a systematic review report.
  2. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) expanded checklist. An expanded checklist, which comprises an abridged version of the reporting recommendations presented in the Explanation and Elaboration paper, with references and some examples removed, is also available.

(Note: You may find it helpful to use a PRISMA Flow Diagram to keep track of information through the different phases of a systematic review.)

For scoping articles, there are two PRISMA checklists that can be used: 

  1. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) Checklist (Fillable) (2019)
  2. PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR): Checklist and Explanation (2018) 

For Tip Sheets and a tutorial on using PRISMA, please click this link for the official PRISMA website.  

Below is a thorough three-part YouTube series by Melissa Rethlefsen for more help navigating PRISMA, as well as an additional tutorial by the Research Medical Library 

Part 1: Introduction to PRISMA-S: why and how to use it
Part 2: Differences between PRISMA 2009 and PRISMA-S
Part 3: Questions and answers
An Introduction to the PRISMA 2020 Checklist for Systematic Reviews Tutorial

For further reading, we recommend the following seminal research articles: 

  1. Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement (2009) 
  2. PRISMA 2020 explanation and elaboration: updated guidance and exemplars for reporting systematic reviews (2021) 

Book Recommendations for Writing

Cover Art

The AMA Dictionary of Business and Management by George Kurian 

ISBN: 9780814420294

Publication Date: 2013

Cover Art

Business Report Guides by Dorinda Clippinger 

ISBN: 9781949443721

Publication Date: 2019

Cover Art

Business Writing for Dummies by Natalie Canavor 

ISBN: 9781119696698

Publication Date: 2021

Cover Art

Dictionary of Media and Communication Studies by James Watson; Anne Hill 

ISBN: 9781628921489

Publication Date: 2015

Cover Art

Email Essentials by Shirley Taylor 

ISBN: 9789814771726

Publication Date: 2017

Cover Art

Producing Written and Oral Business Reports by Dorinda Clippinger 

ISBN: 9781631574153

Publication Date: 2017

Cover Art

Style Guide for Business Writing by Michael C. Thomsett

ISBN: 9781547416189

Publication Date: 2018

Cover Art

Zen and the Art of Business Communication by Susan L. Luck 

ISBN: 9781606499566

Publication Date: 2016


In addition to the books listed below, we recommend reading How to Develop and Write a Grant ProposalThis report includes helpful information for writing proposals for government and private foundation grants. 

Cover Art

The Grants Register 2021 by Palgrave Palgrave Macmillan (Editor) 

ISBN: 9781349959877

Publication Date: 2020

Cover Art

Writing Successful Grant Proposals by Ellen W. Gorsevski 

ISBN: 9789463003889

Publication Date: 2016

Cover Art

How to Write a Competitive R01 Grant by Sudhansu K. Dey; Katie Gerhardt 

ISBN: 9783319413594

Publication Date: 2016

Health Science Grants

Cover Art

Grant Writing Handbook for Nurses and Health Professionals, Third Edition by Barbara Holtzclaw; Carole Kenner; Marlene Walden 

ISBN: 9780826141446

Publication Date: 2018

Cover Art

Successful Grant Writing for Health and Human Service Professionals, Fifth Edition by Laura Gitlin; Ann Kolanowski; Kevin J. Lyons 

ISBN: 9780826148032

Publication Date: 2020

Science Grants

Cover Art

Writing Successful Science Proposals by Andrew J. Friedland; Carol L. Folt; Jennifer L. Mercer 

ISBN: 9780300226706

Publication Date: 2018


Below you will find curated resources for dissertation writing, as well as book  recommendations for dissertation writing. 

What Is A Dissertation or Thesis?

What Is A Dissertation or Thesis? 
module is designed to introduce undergraduate students to the value and usefulness of dissertations and theses as a source for their assignment research.

Dissertation Learning Aids via ProQuest

Learning Modules for Dissertation Writing

Dissertation Resources

Cover Art

The A-Z of the PhD Trajectory by Eva O. L. Lantsoght 

ISBN: 9783319774244

Publication Date: 2018

Cover Art

A Counselor's Guide to the Dissertation Process by Brandé Flamez; A. Stephen Lenz; Richard S. Balkin

ISBN: 9781556203596

Publication Date: 2017

Cover Art

The Dissertation Journey by Carol M. Roberts; Laura Hyatt ​​​​​​​

ISBN: 9781506373317

Publication Date: 2018

Cover Art

A Practical Guide to Dissertation and Thesis Writing by Mark Stephan Felix and Ian Smith 

ISBN: 9781527536814

Publication Date: 2019

Cover Art

The Productive Graduate Student Writer by Jan E. Allen; Chris M. Golde (Foreword by) 

ISBN: 9781620368909

Publication Date: 2019

Cover Art

Research Literacies and Writing Pedagogies for Masters and Doctoral Writers by Cecile Badenhorst (Editor); Cally Guerin (Editor) ​​​​​​​

ISBN: 9789004304338

Publication Date: 2015

Cover Art

Research Methods for Successful PhD by Dinesh Kumar ​​​​​​​

ISBN: 9788793609181

Publication Date: 2017

Cover Art

Surviving and Thriving in Postgraduate Research by Ray Cooksey; Gael McDonald ​​​​​​​

ISBN: 9789811377464

Publication Date: 2019

Cover Art

Writing a Graduate Thesis or Dissertation by Lorrie Blair ​​​​​​​

ISBN: 9789463004244

Publication Date: 2016

Citations & Plagiarism

Check out this video from  for more information on why citing is important!

We have a Lib Guide that explains how to use Zotero Reference Manager to easily keep track of your references as you work on your research project. 

Citation Style Guides

There are several sources we recommend using when navigating APA Style. First, we have Lib Guide for the seventh edition of APA Style Citations!

Other sources we recommend are the official APA website for their guidelines and blog on APA Style and Citations and the Purdue Owl Online Writing Lab for more information. 

Cover Art

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association by American Psychological Association 

Call Number: REF BF76.7 .P83 2020

ISBN: 9781433832161

Publication Date: 2019-10-01

The MLA Style Guide is a wonderful resource for navigating MLA Style! Additionally, the Purdue Owl Online Writing Lab have information for research projects and annotated bibliographies.

Cover Art

MLA Handbook. 9th ed. by The Modern Language; The Modern Language Association of America 

Call Number: REF LB2369 .M52 2021

ISBN: 9781603293518

Publication Date: 2021

Rules for writers / Diana Hacker, Nancy Sommers ; contributing ESL specialist Kimberli Huster.

Call Number: REF PE1408. H277 2016

ISBN: 9781319083496

Publication Date: 2016

Cite right : a quick guide to citation styles--MLA, APA, Chicago, the sciences, professions, and more / Charles Lipson.

Call Number: PN171. F56 L55 2011

ISBN: 9780226484631

Publication Date: 2011


The Chicago Manual of Style Online is a wonderful resource for navigating Chicago Style! Click here for an official YouTube tutorial on how to get started with Chicago Style. The Purdue Owl Online Writing Lab is another excellent resource for navigating this style.

The Chicago Manual of Style Online

The Chicago Guide to Grammar, Usage, and Punctuation

ISBN: 9780226188850

Publication Date: 2016

But Can I Start a Sentence with 'But'? : Advice From the Chicago Style Q&A

ISBN: 9780226370644

Publication Date: 2016

Cite right : a quick guide to citation styles--MLA, APA, Chicago, the sciences, professions, and more / Charles Lipson.

Call Number: PN171. F56 L55 2011

ISBN: 9780226484631

Publication Date: 2011

The Chicago Manual of Style Online has a section dedicated to Turabian Style guidelines. They also have a YouTube tutorial for getting started with the 17th edition of Chicago Style. 

The Chicago Manual of Style Online

Cite right : a quick guide to citation styles--MLA, APA, Chicago, the sciences, professions, and more / Charles Lipson.

Call Number: PN171. F56 L55 2011

ISBN: 9780226484631

Publication Date: 2011

ACS Publications is a wonderful resource for navigating Chicago Style! The University of Wisconsin-Madison is another excellent resource for navigating this style.

The ACS style guide: effective communication of scientific information.

Call Number: REF QD8.5 A25 2006

ISBN: 9780841239999

Publication Date: 2006

A short guide to writing about chemistry / Holly B. Davis, Julian F. Tyson, Jan A. Pechenik.

Call Number: QD8.5. A25 2010

ISBN: 9780205550609

Publication Date: 2010


Cite right : a quick guide to citation styles--MLA, APA, Chicago, the sciences, professions, and more / Charles Lipson.

Call Number: PN171. F56 L55 2011

ISBN: 9780226484631

Publication Date: 2011

The American Sociological Association is a wonderful resource for navigating ASA Style! The Purdue Owl Online Writing Lab is another excellent resource for navigating this style.

Cover Art

ALA Guide to Sociology and Psychology Reference by American Library Association Staff

Call Number: REF Z7164.S68 A53 2011

ISBN: 9780838910252

Publication Date: 2010

The Academy of Management has a section dedicated to resources for authors