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Faculty Guide: Embedding Content into MyCourses

This page provides information for integrating easily accessible library resources (including articles, books, databases, and videos) into MyCourses. This guide also has information regarding information literacy and for using library research guides.


You can provide easy access to course readings and other library content by including a persistent, stable link (permalink, or deep link) to the full text of a specific article or item in the Kaufman Library databases on your syllabus or your course page that will work on or off campus.

If you are working from our online subscription databases, please note that it does not always work to copy the URL from the URL bar at the top of the page to link to books or articles. Each vendor's database platform is a little bit different. Instructions are included below for some popular platforms. If you would like to link to something from a different platform and are unable to find the stable URL/persistent URL, please Ask a Librarian for assistance or contact your Liaison librarian. Above all, check links off campus (when not logged into VPN) to make sure they work as expected and if not, ask a librarian for assistance.

Linking to Books & Articles

Navigating & Linking Online Resources

In EBSCO databases, such as Academic Search Complete, eBook Collection (EBSCOhost), CINAHL, and Business Source Complete:

  1. Perform a search for the article that you need.

  2. From your search results, click on the title to pull up the individual item information.

  3. In the box on the right, click on “permalink”:

  4. The link pops up for you at the top of the article. Select and copy this entire link.

To create a persistent URL in JSTOR, add the OpenAthens prefix in front of JSTOR's stable URL by following these steps:

  1. Search for the specific item in JSTOR.  
  2. Click the title for the item that you want to link to.
  3. Look at the item details in the left column.The stable URL is located above the "cite this item" option. Here’s an example of a stable URL in JSTOR:
  4. Copy the stable URL in a Word document or somewhere that you can edit it.
  5. Paste the OpenAthens prefix: in front of the given stable URL

The finished persistent URL looks like this:

In ProQuest databases (such as ProQuest Central, eBook Central. Does NOT include Safari O'Reilly):

  1. Perform a search for the article that you need.

  2. The URL in the URL bar works just fine. (OR Once you find your article, click the "Abstract/Details" option  to pull up the individual item information. Proquest calls their persistent URL "Document URL". You may need to scroll down to see it. Select and copy this entire link.


The Safari O'Reilly database is a bit different from other ProQuest databases and direct linking is not well-supported.  The best way to provide access to titles in this resource is to link directly to the database itself, using the link and have your students search for the book titles when logged in.

In GALE databases, such as Opposing Viewpoints, or Global Issues:

1. Click "get link" in the top menu bar.

2. Click "copy" to copy the link.

3. Add the OpenAthens prefix,, in front of the URL.

4.  The resulting URL will look like this:

Most of the articles in Science Direct provide you with a DOI (digital object identifier) that you can use. Try the Using DOIs box below for info on how to do that.

Here’s another way to create the link: 

1.    Do a search for the article that you need.

2.    Click on the title in the results list to pull up the specific article that you need.

3.    Copy the URL in the URL bar at the top of your screen.

  Here's an example of the link that you will see in the URL bar:

4.    Add the OpenAthens prefix,, in front of the URL.

Here's an example of the finished URL:

DOIs & Athenized Links

Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs)

Databases often provide DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) for their articles.  The DOI is a way to locate a particular article even if the database changes. The DOI is often listed on the article itself.  It may also be part of the article's citation. If linking in this way, be sure that the DOI link takes the student to the full text. It may or may not even if GGC has access to the full text.

To create a persistent/stable URL with the DOI:

  1. Start with the OpenAthens prefix:
  2. Add:   (if the identifier in the article or item already includes at the front, no need to add this again)
  3. Add: the DOI for the article

Here's an example of what the finished URL will look like:

Athenized Link Generator

This tool converts links from databases that require OpenAthens authentication, and appends a prefix that allows users to authenticate from off campus. Just paste the link from the database in the box, and the generated link can be copied and pasted into the course. Check the link off campus, not logged into VPN, to make sure it works. 

Note: this method works for linking to items on platforms such as SAGE Journals and Springer Link.

Streaming Video

Kaufman Library provides four dedicated subscription streaming video platforms: Academic Video OnlineFilms on DemandKanopy, and SWANK. In addition, many other databases such as Safari O'Reilly and others contain streaming video content. Linking to streaming video content within other platforms not listed here is similar to linking to articles and books, detailed on the "Linking to Articles and Books" tab.

If you are working from these platforms, please note that it does not work to copy the URL from the URL bar at the top of the page to link to streaming video content. Each vendor's database platform is a little bit different. Instructions are included below for our 4 dedicated streaming video platforms. If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian or contact your Liaison librarian. Above all, check links off campus (when not logged into VPN) to make sure they work as expected and if not, ask a librarian for assistance.

Navigating & Linking Video Resources

To link to a film in Academic Video Online, search for the item you want to link to, and click on the title of the item. Click on the Share link, then the permalink.

Academic Video Online additional help:  click on “For Educators” for clips, transcripts, embedding content.

Or, see

Instructions for LINKING to a film using a link in email, MyCourses or a syllabus:

Log into Films on Demand. Click on the title of the film, select the "Share" option and copy the URL.


Instructions for EMBEDDING video into an assignment:

To create an assignment in MyCourses using an embedded Films on Demand film, first create a new assignment or edit an existing assignment, and use the "Insert Stuff" icon in the Instructions box, and select "Films on Demand" from the dropdown:

Search for a film by topic, and then using the "Embed" menu to the right of the film, select one of the options.

For complete instructions, see

Additional training available at: 

To link to films in Kanopy, search for the film title. Near the center of the page, click on the "Share" tab. Copy the URL to link to the film, or use the embed code for HTML.

For general help on Kanopy, please see these LibGuide links: 

Get links directly to films through the database as follows:

  • Log into the SWANK database.
  • Click on the film you want and a box will appear that includes options to "Watch" or "Share." (See image below)
  • Click "Share" to open linking options.
    • Click on “direct link” for a link that you can share directly with students (e.g. email) or place in MyCourses following procedures for inserting a link. This will prompt them for their GGC credentials. 
    • Click on the “LMS link” for html code to create a link in an HTML editor.
  • Note : Linking options are also available while you are on "Watch" mode


For general help on SWANK, please see this LibGuide:

Library Research Guides

Embedding Research Guides

The simplest method, and recommended method, of linking to library research guides is to navigate to the Research Guides homepage, select a subject or a particular guide, copy the URL from the URL bar, and place the link in your course or syllabus. 

Navigate to the Research Guides from the library homepage:

To link to a single research guide, click on the link to the guide and copy the URL from the URL bar.

To link to a set of guides on a particular subject, select the Guides by Subject, navigate to your subject, then copy the link for the "Subject Homepage".

Database Lists

Embedding Databases

The simplest method to link to a single database or a list of databases by subject is to navigate to the Databases A-Z list on the library homepage.


To link to a specific database, right click on the name of the database and copy the URL, and place the link in your course or syllabus

You can filter the results from the top of the Databases list using the menus, such as the "Subject" menu. Once you've selected the subject, copy the URL from the search bar for any result, and place the link in your course or syllabus.

Information Literacy & Research Basics

Librarians are always available to assist with embedding information literacy skills into your class content. Below are some great videos on a variety of information literacy and research process topics. To embed these videos in your course, right click on the link for each video and copy and paste that URL in your course (don't use the URL from the URL bar).

To get in-depth research help for your students, direct them to Ask a Librarian or book a Library Instruction Session for your class.


Quick links for research basics:

Information Literacy

Videos: Research Process Quick Tips by CREDO:

ProQuest Research Companion Information Literacy Module