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EXSC 3050 - Pasley

Fall 2024. EXSC 3050- Exercise Science - Research Methods

Original /Empirical /Primary Research Article Tip

If your assignment requires Original /Empirical /Primary Research, consider using the Advanced Search feature of the selected database and add the following key terms to your search to delete the type of peer-reveiwed articles that you do not need: 
NOT ( literature review or review of the literature or overview or systematic review or meta analysis or case study or review or editorial or brief report) 

Exercise Science Databases

Consider adding the following to your seach to delete the type of peer-reveiwed articles that you do not need: 
NOT ( literature review or review of the literature or overview or systematic review or meta analysis or case study or editorial or review or brief report) 

Health Sciences Databases

Articles from Databases @GGC Kaufman Library

The following databases represent a few selections available from GGC Kaufman Library. These databases are are multi-disciplinary and cover many different subject areas/topics. You will find: scholarly jounral articles, news, trade journals, magazines, and books reviews to name a few.


Find more databases on your subject using GGC's Browse By Subject listing.