HeinOnline’s Business and Legal Aspects of Sports and Entertainment (BLASE) is designed to assist researchers in locating sources relevant to the many issues surrounding these critically important subject areas, both of which have now attained global prominence. Organized into sixteen tabs, each covering a distinct type of material, the database builds upon HeinOnline’s historical strengths in legal periodical literature, case law, and U. S. federal and state materials by providing a unique topical arrangement for the documents within each tab while also adding many important new resources not previously available in HeinOnline.
HeinOnline's interactive digital edition of the classic Tocqueville work, edited by Alan Keely, Associate Director for Collection Services at Wake Forest Law Library.
This collection charts the gay rights movement in America, showing the civil rights codified into law in the 20th and 21st centuries, as well as the inequalities that still exist today.
HeinOnline’s Military and Government collection brings together thousands of diverse publications related to the history, glory, might, and daily nitty-gritty of administrating America’s fighting forces. Composed of books, congressional hearings, committee prints, legislative histories, CRS and GAO Reports, and more, this database allows users to research the functions of the federal government in administrating the armed forces and the issues confronting service personnel both on and off the battlefield, from women’s changing role in the military, hollow forces, the development of new weaponry, free speech rights, and navigating benefits offered by the Department of Veterans Affairs after service.
This HeinOnline collection brings together, all essential legal materials on slavery in the United States and the English-speaking world. This includes every statute passed by every colony and state on slavery, every federal statute dealing with slavery, and all reported state and federal cases on slavery.