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MKTG 3200 - Fehl

Fall 2023. Business to Business Marketing


Basic Author format:  

One author: Author''s last name, First Initial. Middle Initial.  

Two authors: Author's last name, First Initial. Middle Initial. & Author's last name, First Initial. Middle Initial.

Up to twenty authors: List all authors in above format.

Twenty-one or more authors: List nineteen authors, then ... and last author.

The parts of your citation must be put in a certain order based on the "style" of citation you are using. 

The parts of your citation must be put in a certain order based on the "style" of citation you are using. 

APA  Newspaper Article 

APA Format

(Online Article)

Author's last name, First Initial, Middle Initial. (Year, Month Day). Title

     of article with only the first word and proper nouns capitalized. 

     Name of Newspaper. Page number. or url of

     specific newspaper article. No url if from a research database.


APA Example

(Online Article From a Newspaper Webpage)

Selingo, J. (2004, February 05). When a search engine isn't enough,

     call a librarian. New York Times, G.5.

     /2004/02/05/technology/when-a-search-engine- isn-t-enough-call-a-



APA Example

(Online Article From a Research Database)

Selingo, J. (2004, February 05). When a search engine isn't enough, 

     call a librarian. New York Times, G.5.

More Information Additional examples from APA.