The purpose of this assignment is to find a variety of sources, in preparation for writing an evaluation of a controversial editorial.
Your final Bibliography should have at least 6 entries:
You MUST include:
· 1 article from the NYT, WaPo, or WSJ (whichever paper you chose as your subscription)
· 1 additional article found using DATABASES A-Z on the Library homepage. I recommend:
ProQuest (Easy to save sources and create citations, good for searches that include popular press and reviews)
JSTOR (all scholarly sources, best for history topics)
Academic Search Complete (includes more science sources than ProQuest)
· 2 editorials (or “opinion” pieces)
CHOOSE 2-3 entries from of the following types. You may have no more than 2 of any type:
· Reference works (encyclopedias, other factual sources that contain verifiable data available in multiple places. Examples are, wikipedia, dictionaries, etc.) These sources can be found using a GOOGLE search, and also using GGC library databases.
· Popular media sources, such as websites, newspapers and magazines, TV or TV affiliated websites.
Keep a Working Bibliography. Update this list EVERY TIME you find a new source.
MLA 8th edition style. Use the “CITE” features on databases to create citations, and be sure to select “MLA 8” from drop-down list of styles. When they don’t have a Citation tool, consult,, or your textbook.
Start by finding 1 or 2 Reference sites, then move on to 1 or 2 Popular Press, and finally 3 Scholarly sources
Types of Sources (total of 7, plus your movie):
· up to 2 Reference works (encyclopedias, other factual sources that contain verifiable data available in multiple places). You may NOT include Wikipedia.
· up to 2 Websites not attached to published companies with clear editorial standards (blogs, educational sites). I recommend you use IMDB or rottontomatoes’ page on your movie as one of these.
· up to 2 Popular media sources, such as newspapers and magazines, TV or TV affiliated websites. I recommend you find a strong movie review as one of these sources.
· at least 3 Scholarly sources, which includes books from the library or articles from academic journals (peer reviewed, whether online or not) Try the database JSTOR, or use the “Peer Reviewed” setting in ProQuest. You may include no more than 1 book review for these sources.
What are the assignments I will turn in?
1. The Basic Bibliography should have 8 entries including your movie, in alphabetical order, and formatted just as they would be for a regular bibliography, References, or Works Cited page.
2. Annotated Bibliography Assignment Detailed instructions for these assignments are located on the Course page, in the “assignment descriptions” folder
- First draft of Bibliography with 6 sources due after class Week of March 23
- Final draft of Bibliography with 8 sources due after class Week of March 30
- Final draft of Annotated Bibliography due Thursday April 7 by midnight.