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Assignment Details
- Use the attached worksheet to document information about your U.S. House Representative from your district. (e.g., Rep. Rob Woodall - 7th District of Georgia)
- Use all available resources to answer all questions. (i.e., see the Representative's official web page or Facebook page,,, news, library, etc.)
- Include a bibliography of sources used to complete this assignment, in APA format.
- Submit completed worksheet and bibliography as a Word document in the D2L Dropbox.
- Select an organization that fulfills three requirements:
- Use the attached worksheet to document information about your interest group.
- Use all available resources to answer all questions. (i.e., see the group's official web page or Facebook page,,, news, library, etc.)
- Include a bibliography of sources used to complete this assignment, in APA format.
- Submit completed worksheet and bibliography as a Word document in the D2L Dropbox.