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EXSC 3200 - Pasley

Spring 2024. This guide will help you find relevant articles for your annotated bibliography in EXSC 3200.


Bainbridge College. (2010). Plagiarism:How to avoid it. [Video]. YouTube. https://youtube/2q0NlWcTq1Y



Documentation and Plagiarism Policy at Georgia Gwinnett College

Documentation is giving credit to another person’s work using a recognized style of citation. This must be done any time one uses another person’s words or ideas, verbatim or paraphrased. Plagiarism is the presentation of someone else’s words or ideas, intentionally or unintentionally, in a way that makes them appear to be one’s own. When documentation is so poor as to prevent others from understanding the information’s source and the information appears to be one’s own when it is not, unintentional plagiarism has been committed.

If one does not cite others’ words properly, one is committing plagiarism, which is a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy at GGC. For more details see the GGC Catalog. For a complete description of  the GGC Academic Integrity Policy for Academic Dishonesty, see section pg. 22 of the Student Handbook.

When one refers to another person’s words or ideas from a printed source of any type (book, journal, website, pamphlet, letter, magazine, etc.) or a non-printed source (a conversation, a formal interview, a video or a recording, etc.) one must document the source properly. If a student participates in a collaborative project and his/her team members originate an idea that he/she later uses in his/her essay or work, the student must cite correctly the conversation that occurred with his/her team members in which the team discussed the idea.

Plagiarism is a common (and often misunderstood) problem that is often the result of a lack of knowledge and skills. The  mission of  is to support the education community with a comprehensive set of resources to help students write with integrity. The site has information to help you: understand, prevent, teach, check your work, research news, and policy data.
