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EXSC 2000 - Wludyga

Fall 2024. Intro to Exercise Science & Well Promotion


There's a lot of junk on the internet. Are you finding the best material for your assignment?

  • Currency - is the date it was published appropriate for your needs?
  • Relevance - is it relevant to your topic?
  • Authority - who is telling you this information? (a scholar? a journalist?)
  • Audience - who is this written for? (the general public? scholars? government officials?)
  • Purpose - why was this published? (to inform? to persuade?)

For more info, check out our guide on Reading Digital Content.

Use Your R.A.D.A.R.

Use the R.A.D.A.R. framework to help you evaluate your information sources for usefulness in your research.

Take the R.A.D.A.R. Challenge!