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FINA 4700 -Herndon

Fall 2024. Special Topics in Finance: Fintech

Module 1 - What is FinTech?

Recent developments, major areas in FinTech, future prospects and potential issues with FinTech.

Ch. 1: The Booming World of Fintech via Fintech in a Flash : Financial Technology Made Easy

Discussion: In the past few weeks, where and how have you used FinTech? Provide a few examples.

Quiz. 10 questions.  

Module 2 : Money & Banking

Money and monetary base, Fractional reserve banking, Money supply and inflation, intro to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

What is money? Who controls it? What are the Federal Reserve and US Treasury? How is the traditional landscape of banking changing?

Read Chapters 1-4 of Understanding Money Mechanics by Robert P. Murphy.

View the following videos- 

Module 5: Crowdsourcing

Ch. 4: Digital Lending Innovation and Ch. 7: Crowdfunding and Crowdinvesting

 via Fintech in a Flash : Financial Technology Made Easy

Module 6: Transformation of the Commercial Bank

Module 7 - MidTerm Exam

Module 8: Crowdfunding & Capital Raising

Module 9: Wealth Management

Module 10: IoT (Internet of Things)

Module 11: Blockchain & Cryptocurrency

Module 12: AI & Cybersecurity

Module 13: InsurTech

Module 14 & 15: Presentations, Review & Practice