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Videos and Streaming Resources

Available DVDs, videos,and streaming resources.

Academic Video Online (VAST)

Academic Video Online: Platform Overview

New Learning Tool from Academic Video Online: Video Interaction Functionality

Video interaction functionality:

  • Delivers meaningful ways to leverage streaming video for collaboration, reflection, and assessment of student knowledge and retention of course lessons and concepts. 
  • Enables faculty to embed pedagogical tools throughout streaming videos, including discussion prompts, multiple choice and free form questions, polling, and more. 
  • Can be originally created by faculty or edited from other interactions already available.
  • Allows results to be reported in the LMS gradebook, either automatically via LTI or via CSV export. 
  • Gives faculty access to real-time analytics, to see student responses and adapt their teaching based on student comprehension to facilitate improved learning outcomes.

View examples of Academic Video Online (VAST) Interactions: All Interactions