The Kaufman Library subscribes to a variety of databases for your research.
If you find and article that you really want but is not available in full text from the library resources, You fill out the interlibrary loan form and one of our librarians can locate it from another institution and have it sent here for you.
Full-text coverage of information in many areas of academic study, including archaeology, area studies, astronomy, biology, chemistry, civil engineering, electrical engineering, ethnic and multicultural studies, food science and technology, general science, geography, geology, law, mathematics, mechanical engineering, music, physics, psychology, religion and theology, women's studies, and other fields.
For off-campus access to GGC resources, you may need the GALILEO Password. The current GALILEO Password can be found on the My Home page of MyCourses, the Grizzly Home page of MyGGC or by logging into your Library Account.