Cactus COVID-19 Research Platform
This site is the world’s largest AI-driven & human-curated collection of research, news, literature reviews, clinical trials, datasets, and other educational resources on COVID-19.
Founded in 2002, Cactus Communications is the world’s largest provider of scholarly communication services to researchers, publishers, institutions, and corporations.
Coronavirus Free Access Collection from Cambridge Core
This collection provides free access to content on COVID-19 that is published in Cambridge University Press's family of publlications.
COVID-19: Novel Coronavirus Content Free to Access from Taylor & Francis
This collection provides free access to content on COVID-19 that is published in Taylor & Francis's family of publications.
EBSCO COVID-19 Information Portal
This portal is an open-access initiative to provide access to news articles, maps and visuals, reports, and more from around the web.
Oxford University Press Resources on COVID-19, Other Coronaviruses, and Related Topics
This collection provides free access to content on COVID-19 that is published in Oxford University Press's family of publications.
ProQuest Coronavirus Research Database
The Coronavirus Research Database aggregates authoritative content from ProQuest with content made available at no cost by members of the International Association of STM Publishers – including Springer Nature, Taylor & Francis and The BMJ. Full-text content in the database is available either directly from ProQuest or via links to publisher sites.
This open-access collection from the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics provides access to articles both specific to COVID-19 and other infectious diseases.
The ABA Coronavirus (COVID-19) Task Force
The ABA Coronavirus Task Force is a nationwide task force of volunteer lawyers and judges that identifies legal needs arising from the pandemic. Information on this website includes how the pandemic has impacted the delivery of legal services, court access and rules changes, legal needs, public benefits programs, and pro bono services.
Founded in 1878, the American Bar Association (ABA) sets model ethics codes for the legal profession and accredits U.S. law schools, a practice the association has done since 1923.
Fastcases's COVID-19 Resource Hub brings together free legislative and government updates with COVID-19 content from leading news media sources. Samples of the information provided by Fastcase include Docket Alarm, highlighting recent legal cases involving COVID-19, webinars on relief support that meet CLE standards, and state-specific bar association resources.
Fastcase is a leading next-generation legal research service that features powerful “best-case-first” tools that make research faster than ever. Fastcase integration with HeinOnline gives users access to a wide array of case law at the federal and state levels without the hassle of using multiple research databases. Learn more about Fastcase in HeinOnline here.
Legal Information Institute COVID-19 Resources
This website collects information on legislative, regulatory, judicial, and executive responses in the U.S. to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Founded in 1992, the Legal Information Institute is a small research, engineering, and editorial group at Cornell Law School that collaborates with publishers, scholars, computer scientists, and others to promote open access to the law.
American Society for Microbiology Resources on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
This resource hub contains information on COVID-19 research, protocols and advisory materials for diagnostic testing procedures.
Founded in 1899, the American Society for Microbiology is a professional organization for scientists who study viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms. ASM publishes scientific journals and books related to microbiology and collaborates with policymakers to advocate for evidence-based policy and the highest standards in scientific practice.
Cell Press Coronavirus Resource Hub
Curated by members of the Cell Press editorial team, this page features the latest content related to COVID-19 as it appears in various Cell Press journals.
Cell Press publishes over 50 scientific journals across the life, physical, earth, and health sciences, both independently and in partnership with scientific societies. Their flagship publication, Cell, began in 1974, and publishes findings of unusual significance in any area of experimental biology.
CORD-19: COVID-19 Open Research Dataset
This site provides more than 130,000 scientific articles about COVID-19 for use by the global research community.
COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 preprints from medRxiv and bioRxiv
This resource collects together preliminary papers of a medical and scientific nature on COVID-19.
medRxiv (pronounced "med-archive") is a free online archive and distribution server for complete but unpublished manuscripts (preprints) in the medical, clinical, and related health sciences.
F1000Research Disease Outbreaks Gateway
This resource collects papers, articles, case reports, metrics, posters, slides and research of a medical and scientific nature on COVID-19.
F1000Research is an open research publishing platform for scientists, scholars and clinicians offering rapid publication of articles and other research outputs without editorial bias. All articles benefit from transparent peer review and editorial guidance on making all source data openly available.
Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center (CRC) is a continuously updated source of COVID-19 data and expert guidance. This website is a resource to help advance the understanding of the virus, inform the public, and brief policymakers in order to guide a response, improve care, and save lives.
Considered one of the top medical institutions in the world, Johns Hopkins Hospital is a teaching hospital and biomedical research facility of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.
LitCovid provides access to nearly 49,000 scientific articles on COVID-19 as published in PubMed. Articles are organized by research topic and geographic location and updated daily.
LitCovid is maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology, part of the National Library of Medicine under the National Institutes of Health, which is the federal focal point for medical research in the United States.
This collection contains nearly 50,000 articles from various scientific sources, including preprints from bioRxiv and medRxiv.
LIVIVO is an interdisciplinary search engine for literature and information in the field of life sciences. It is run by ZB MED – Information Centre for Life Sciences.
New England Journal of Medicine Coronavirus (COVID-19) Collection
Providing free access to articles and other resources on the COVID-19 outbreak, including clinical reports, management guidelines, and commentary.
Established in 1812, the New England Journal of Medicine is one of the most prestigious medical journals in the world. Published weekly, the Journal provides high-quality, peer-reviewed research to physicians, educators, researchers, and the global medical community.
Includes the COVID-19 Vaccine Resource Center which is a collection of resources on Covid-19 vaccines, including frequently asked questions, continuing medical education, published research, and commentary.
Novel Coronavirus Outbreak on Scitrus
This site collects preprints, news stories, and datasets on the COVID-19 outbreak from around the web, all tagged for searchability.
SCITRUS is a free content delivery service that is powered by machine learning. SCITRUS aggregates every scientific article published and evaluates them according to your specific interests to produce a custom, personalized live feed in a familiar magazine-like interface. The most relevant articles are displayed chronologically, from newest to oldest, with the most important articles for you appearing larger than all others.
Path to Zero: Key Metrics for COVID Suppression - Pandemics Explained
A project of the Harvard Global Health Institute and the Brown School of Public Health, this map displays global COVID risk levels on a per country basis, with county-level risk levels available for the United States. Additional maps display testing targets, infection rate, and hospital capacity.
The Lancet COVID-19 Resource Centre
This resource brings together COVID-19 content from across The Lancet journals as it is published. All content is freely available to access.
The Lancet is one of the world's oldest and best known medical journals. Founded in 1823, The Lancet has sought to address urgent topics in our society, initiate debate, put science into context, and influence decision makers around the world. Today, The Lancet has evolved as a family of journals across various medical disciplines.
Coronavirus Vaccine Tracker from The New York Times
Updated frequently, this page provides in-depth tracking of the various COVID-19 vaccines as they move through three phases of testing, those that have been approved for early or limited use, and, eventually, those vaccines that are approved for use in the general public.
*The New York Times is providing free access to its coronavirus coverage, however, in order to access articles in their entirety users may need to sign up for a free account with The Times.
A project of The Atlantic, this site collects and publishes data required to understand the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States.
This article and interactive map from The New York Times explores how COVID-19 was able to spread so rapidly across the United States.
*The New York Times is providing free access to its coronavirus coverage, however, in order to access articles in their entirety users may need to sign up for a free account with The Times.
Coronavirus Pandemic: Reliable Government Information Resources
This bibliography from the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) is a collection of federal resources related to the current COVID-19 pandemic.
This bibliography, compiled by the Melbourne Law School Academic Research Service, is organized into three portions:
Updated continuously, the bibliography is available both as a website and as a PDF annotated version with inline links provided for literature and resources available on open access.
FALQs: Islamic Religious Authority and Pakistan’s Response to COVID-19
This blog post from the Library of Congress provides an overview of Pakistan's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
FALQs: Measures to Control Infectious Diseases Under Chinese Law
This blog post from the Library of Congress explores the legal aspects of China's responses to controlling infectious diseases, including COVID-19.
FALQs: Pandemic Management Strategies and Powers in New Zealand
This blog post from the Library of Congress explores the legal aspects of pandemic management in New Zealand.
FALQs: The Swedish Legal Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
This blog post from the Library of Congress deals with issues, legal, and policy developments in Sweden related to COVID-19.
This libguide, compiled by Mary Whisner at the University of Washington School of Law, collects resources to support Law in the Time of COVID-19 (LAW B599, a special topics class offered Spring 2020) and to inform anyone interested in the wide array of legal issues related to the pandemic.
Legal Issues Raised by the COVID-19 Pandemic
This blog post, written by Concord Law School, explores the following legal issues in America related to the COVID-19 pandemic: quarantine and stay-at-home orders, criminal law, civil procedure, family law, employment law, and insurance.
Liberia Government Measures to Contain the Spread of COVID-19
This blog post from the Library of Congress explores measures taken by the Liberian government in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Monitoring the Legal Response to COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean
Maintained by a group of law librarians, this website tracks the COVID-19 crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean through a series of biweekly reports, other publications, and webinars.